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Education - Safety - Health Care


As throughout Spain, basic education in Andalusia is free and compulsory. Students are required to complete ten years of schooling, and may not leave school before the age of 16, after which students may continue on to a baccalaureate, to intermediate vocational education, to intermediate-level schooling in arts and design, to intermediate sports studies, or to the working world.

Andalusia has a tradition of higher education dating back to the Middle Ages and the Madrasah of Granada, University of Baeza, and University of Osuna.

University studies are structured in cycles, awarding degrees based on ECTS credits in accord with the Bologna process, which the Andalusian universities are adopting in accord with the other universities of the European Higher Education Area.

University of Almería

University of Baeza

Bahia de Algeciras Campus

Faculty of Veterinary Science of Córdoba

University of Córdoba

University of Granada

International University of Andalucía

University of Jaén

Pablo de Olavide University

Peñas de Cabrera

Puerto real campus

University of Seville

University of Huelva

University of Málaga

University of Osuna

University of Cádiz

Workers' University of Córdoba

Health Care

Responsibility for healthcare jurisdictions devolved from the Spanish government to Andalusia with the enactment of the Statute of Autonomy. Thus, the Andalusian Health Service (Servicio Andaluz de Salud) currently manages almost all public health resources of the Community, with such exceptions as health resources for prisoners and members of the military, which remain under central administration.

Hospitals in Andalucia

Spain's crime rate is relatively low compared to other countries around the world, but you should be aware of some some common scams, thefts and crimes. You'll need to take some safety precautions when traveling or living in Spain, as well as be aware of Spanish laws to know your rights.

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My Home in Andalucia

Avenida Tartessos, nr5

11540 Sanlucar de Barrameda

Cadiz, Spain

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