We help you to build your dream home
Imagine for one second that every public office, including police stations, were nightmares like that, and you can begin to understand Spanish bureaucracy. There is actually offices and job positions devoted to helping people fill out forms because it’s nearly impossible to do it on your own. Gestorías get paid to do paperwork for businesses and individuals who can’t navigate the bureaucratic waters alone, and they make a ton of money by doing so. A Spanish filmmaker even made a hilarious short video documenting this sentiment.
This is of course a parody, nevertheless, when moving in a new country and not speaking the language neither knowing the laws and procedures to follow can be discouraging.
Our team is here to help you ease your move and build your dream home!
How do we help you?
Move to Spain
- Help find a moving company
- Supervise delivery of your belongings if not on site
- Obtain permanent resident card
- Register to social security and other organisms
- Bank account opening / Credit card
- Translations ( FR - EN - DE - NL)
Find a field and build your dream house
- Prospecting for a field to buy for your dream house
- Study of economical possibilities
- Negotiation with banks for founding
- Architect studies according to your specification, preliminary design.
- All requests for city hall, notary, bank....to register the property and get building permit.
- Contracting with all companies : water, gas, electricity, tax authorities....
- Propose at least 3 budgets with various building companies.
- Control of the work executed, Quality control of material used.
- Building Energy Certified.
- House and garden maintenance.
- Home safety certification.
This could be the field for your new dream home with sea view!